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View Full Version : Rattling State Game Lands?

08-22-2012, 09:45 AM
Has anyone ever tried rattling in state game lands and been successful? I'm wondering if I should bring a set of antlers and grunt tube with me this fall, because I know in Pa it'll do the opposite of attracting bucks so I am skeptical.

(1) When do you rattle, as in like last week of oct and first two of nov? And also what time of day or anytime?

(2) Where do you typically rattle? (thick brushy areas?)

(3) Could you elaborate on techniques that have worked?

I'm looking to hunt dillon and wayne, I know of one guy that said he had success rattling in Dillon, anyone else?

gonehunting 45
08-22-2012, 12:24 PM
I've never had any luck with rattling on public land. I didn't try to often. The only time I use a grunt tube is when I see a buck going in a different direction. I dont want to bring another hunter into the area trying to sneak up on the sounds he heard.

08-22-2012, 12:42 PM
I have never tried rattling or grunting on public land due to the safety aspect of other hunters. I have rattled on my property with somewhat success. I normally start rattling around the pre rut rut period when I'm seeing alot of bucks sparing on the property. I would typically rattle around a good staging area around a good scrape line. My techniques are just small clashes of the bag and a few grunts, the bucks typically dont all out fight on my property. I think the doe to buck ratio is pretty high.. Good luck this season and be safe on the public land..andrew