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View Full Version : thinking bout a second bow

07-25-2012, 05:52 PM
well ive been shooting bowtech bows for awhile now and im absolutely in love with my assassin i went and shot the new insanity but it just didnt appeal to me...too big too heavy and more vibration that my assassin...im thinking of getting a second bow but idk where to start since ive been into bowtech for awhile and just looking for ideas of what to go try to shoot...any suggestions guys???

07-26-2012, 02:59 PM
Well I guess that depends on what you are looking for really. I like hoyt everyone will tell you the brand the like or shoot. To be fair its been 1.5 since I spent alot of time at the bow shop so I am not up on all the new new stuff that is out there. I had a mathews for awhile but didnt care for it. So really its up to you go to the shop and shoot a few. What is the purpose of your second bow? Target, Backup bow, just because? all good reasons I was just curious.

07-26-2012, 04:48 PM
well i want another bow to use for target back up and just becuase...lol im thinking about going to shoot the pse evo this weekend soo we'll see how that goes

07-27-2012, 08:16 AM
Good luck picking a new member of the bow family. Personally I am selling my target bow because I hasnt done much in the last year and a half but collect dust. Its a great bow I shot some good scores with it but I just dont use it very much anymore and I and getting the itch for a new firearm. Again good luck let us know what you pick