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View Full Version : Private land permission

06-25-2012, 10:46 PM
Hey fellas,

I just moved to Ohio last month from Lexington Kentucky. Being new to the OH I have no hunting land the state and wanted to ask you all what the best technique is for asking for permission to hunt on someone's private land. I don't expect anything for free, I am willing to provide free labor and am good with a chainsaw or anything else needed but I just don't have the cash flow to get a $1500+lease. I live in butler county but I hear there are some good deer in warren county about a half hour away from me. Should I get with the county game warden first an get some insight from him or just start knocking on doors? I don't want to piss anyone off but at the same time no risk no reward. Public land is a possibility but I'd like to give a shot at my own land first and work for a little privacy. Any help is appreciated. Thanks

06-26-2012, 08:35 AM
Sure wouldn't hurt to start with the local game warden. He would provide you with good information on hunting pressure, deer populations, etc. and who knows he may be able to point you in the direction of a farmer or two. Best thing you can do is start closer to home and start knocking on doors and work your way out to the next county. Like other fishermen say, no sense in driving over fish to get to fish....same is true for deer.

no trespassing
06-27-2012, 08:02 AM
It's tough.......especially in the counties you mentioned above...IF you do gain access to a property go in knowing there is a good chance others hunt the same property. The days of knocking on doors and having it to yourself is about over. The only way you are going to have that now is if A) you are good friends with owners B) own it yourself C) lease it

There are still farmers who will let you hunt.......but there is a 90% chance you will have company.

09-02-2012, 08:55 PM
Start at the computer. Go to the butler county auditors page and start a property search using the map. This is a great way to locate prime properties with satellite imagery. Make a list of prime properties and their land owners and start banging on doors. Like you said its already a no until you ask. If you get permission go back to the computer and search the land owners name and you may find he owns several more properties besides the first one that caught your eye. Remember the average hunter is lazy, don't be average, use your manners and your head and you will be in good shape. Good luck to you.