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View Full Version : Blood Tracking Puppies

03-22-2012, 11:30 AM
If anyone is interested in a blood tracking puppy, my dog is going to be bred in 9 days. Quella just started to bleed and would like to collect at least 3 deposits before I breed her. I am going to New York to breed my b###h to the Jeanneney's FC Tom vom linteler-forst. My dog Quella Von Moosbach Zuzelek is out of their kennels also, (Joeri/ keena} breeding. Quella is a very talented blood tracker as well as Tommy and if anyone has done their research they will see that this breeding comes from a universally known top notch tracking kennel. You can see Tommy with difficult finds on you tube, or on the Jeanneney's site (born to track.com) and Quella with some on my site.
I will draw up a contract which warranties the puppy on genetic health problems that would effect it's ability to track or death. My contact info is
(513)526-3806 -mobile